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Taihan grows with local communities based on the people-centric management and value of sharing.

Taihan strives to fulfill the social responsibilities to protect and promote human rights, and uphold the value of respect for human rights

Human Rights Principles

Taihan exercises the utmost due diligence to ensure that human rights of all stakeholders including employees are respected, and to prevent human rights violation throughout the business process. Accordingly, Taihan strictly abide by the standards and rules of the labor and human rights-related international organizations, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of the UN, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs),” the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the Convention of the Rights of the Child of the UN, and the ILO (International Labor Organization) Fundamental Conventions.

  • First,

    Taihan respects the dignity and value of all its members, and dedicates the utmost effort to providing a good working environment.

  • Second,

    Taihan respects human rights protection and labor standards of international organizations, and prohibits discrimination by reason of gender, race, nationality, and religion, etc.

  • Third,

    Taihan complies with labor-related laws and regulations of each country, and applies this policy to all suppliers and investors.

Operating Guidelines

Taihan respects everyone's freedom and human rights and does not tolerate any discrimination. In order to deploy more responsible management activities, Taihan has established human rights protection operating guidelines and administers them strictly.

  • Combat
    • Forced labor
    • Child labor
    • Discrimination
  • Uphold
    • Compliance with working hours
    • Guarantee of minimum wage
    • Freedom of association
    • Creation of safe business environment

Human Rights Counseling

For protection of human rights of all stakeholders, Taihan operates a number of channels including online report center on the website, grievance centers in worksites, and anonymous report center.

  • Trouble registration
    • Homepage: Hot Line
    • On site: Adjustment of grievance and an anonymous suggestion box
    • Online: Tip-off dedicated email
  • Check and review
    • Dedicated department's consultation and case review
    • Action plan review
    • Whistleblower protection and guarantee of anonymity
  • Follow-up actions
    • Review result is sent.
    • Follow-up actions according to the case
    • Training to prevent recurrence

Key Activities

  • Family-friendly company certification
    • Family-friendly company certified by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family
  • Human rights protection training
    • Workplace harassment prevention training
      • Prohibition of superiors’ habitual unfair instructions
  • Training on internal report system
    • Training on report types
      • Prevention of human rights violation, whistleblower protection, protection of whistleblower identification, etc.
  • Employees’ ethics pledge
    • Pledge to comply with Ethical Regulations containing details on human rights protection
  • Regular inspection of labor environment
    • Environmental, safety, and fire inspection in Dangjin Cable Plant
  • Talent fostering
    • Talent fostering masterplan development, and online educational support
      • Competency building training, on-the-job training, foreign language training, etc.
  • Retiree support system
    • Operating program for reemployment of retirees in temporary positions
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