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Ethics Management

By practicing corporate ethics, Taihan pursues to enhance shareholder value, and create a transparent and reliable corporate culture.

3C Operation System

Taihan established the Code of Conduct for employees that is codified in detail to expand employees’ interest in ethical management and promote the practice of ethical management. The Code of Conduct specifies clear standards of conduct, stipulates management to prevent violation of the principles and rules, and therefore contributes to creating a healthy corporate culture.

Key Activities

  • Anti-corruption Program
    • Obligation to comply with the anti-corruption related statutes, such as the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act of the Republic of Korea, specified in the Ethical Guidelines
    • Detailed criteria and guidelines established in relation to the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act
    • Regular anti-corruption training provided through collection of violation cases in other companies, etc.
  • Risk Prevention
    • Internal audit on operations or divisions with high likelihood of risk occurrence
    • Regular monitoring on implementation of recommendations derived from audit
    • Improvement on irrational or inefficient operations through internal communication using various channels
  • Ethical Management Training and Promotion
    • Sending CEO ethical management letter
    • Conducting regular online ethics training
    • Publishing ethical management newsletter
    • Signing the ethical management pledge
    • Sending a request for cooperation in ethical management to suppliers
    • Signing a consent form to fair and transparent transaction
Please check out the Taihan’s Ethical Guidelines serving as the criteria
for the company’s management activities and employees’ performance.
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